Ensuring timely and holistic cancer treatment for patients in the public health care sector

We believe that each one of us has the capacity to make a difference and to make our journey count — even in, and perhaps even more so, in challenging times. By choosing this surgical practice you too can make a difference. Please let us know if you want to find out more about Dr Roodt’s Project Flamingo — a non-profit company that works towards ensuring timely and holistic cancer treatment for patients in the public health care sector.

When faced with the heartbreaking, stretched out and often chaotic journey of a breast cancer patient in the public health sector, Dr Liana Roodt decided that something needed to be done. Not only were these women subjected to agonizingly long waiting times for surgery, they were also mostly left isolated in their struggle with a daunting diagnosis. The simple yet profoundly effective idea of “Catch-up Surgeries” and “Pamper Packs” was born. Project Flamingo has subsequently changed hundreds of lives since its launch in 2010 and received numerous awards.


How does Project Flamingo change lives?

  • Working towards timely surgery for newly diagnosed breast cancer patients — currently achieved by funded catch-up surgery lists performed by volunteer surgeons and anesthetists at Groote Schuur Hospital and Tygerberg Hospital in Cape Town (Project Flamingo pays for theatre time and nursing staff.)
  • Pamper Packs for all newly diagnosed breast cancer patients at the Groote Schuur and Tygerberg Hospitals’ Combined Breast Clinics. The pamper packs are an attempt to keep their feminine spirit alive. These Pamper Packs contain all sorts of treats to make our patients feel cared for. The idea of the Pamper Pack has truly taken off — and has become a token of hope and thread of care. The cost per pamper pack is approximately R85 and any product donations are welcome

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