All fees are set in line with medical aid guidelines and in order to provide accessible, affordable and quality specialist care.

Billing is done using the Vericlaim software system and administered by an independent billing bureau, MediPractice, who may contact you. The practice is a dedicated service provider (contacted in) for all major medical aids including Discovery health and affiliates, Medihelp, Momentum, Polmed, GEMS, Fedhealth and others. Contact us to find out if we have a contract with your medical aid.

Any request for payment arrangements different to those set out must please be discussed prior to being seen or treated. It remains the responsibility of the patient to settle outstanding amounts that are not covered by the medical aid for consultations, consumables and procedures.

Consultation Room Fees

(private patients / those not covered by contracted medical aids)

First consultation (20-45min)R850.00
Prolonged consultation (>45min)R950.00
Unscheduled / Emergency ConsultationR1090.00



In Rooms

Consultation and procedures done in rooms are payable at the time of service by cash, credit card or EFT. The cost of these procedures will vary. An estimate can be provided beforehand on request. You will be issued with a receipt, which you may use to claim from your medical aid and which will reimburse you according to your choice of plan.


In Hospital

For planned in-hospital procedures, we will advocate on your behalf to obtain authorisation from your medical aid. Before surgery, we will provide you with a cost-estimate and the relevant information that you need to contact your medical aid to confirm any shortfall that may be liable. It is important to note that during surgery, interventions or actions may arise which necessitate different or additional procedures to those displayed in your cost-estimate. If this does occur, we will adjust the claim and request retrospective authorisation from the medical aid. This may, however, result in additional shortfalls being incurred. Dr Roodt will always exercise her best professional judgment in taking such action, which she deems necessary and in the best interest of the patient.

In-hospital/surgical fees

Please note: There will be separate invoices from the hospital, anaesthetist, pathologist, radiologist etc. for their services rendered. We unfortunately have no control over these fees and it should be discussed with the separate service providers.

Surgical rates are determined as follows and the practice will provide a detailed cost estimate prior to any elective procedure:

All contracted medical aidsContracted rate only
Other Medical Aids / Ander Mediese Fondse217% MASA Rates
International Rates / Internationale tarief300% MASA rates
Discretionary DiscountAvailable on request from referring GP

Post-operative care

Post-Surgery (up to 4 weeks) Rehabilitation ConsultationsNo charge for consultations but certain wound care items may be billed.

Administrative Costs

Medical reports for medical aids, insurance or legal purposesR250.00
Telefonic / electronic repeat ScriptsR170.00