Surgery With Soul
In order to remain current and at the cutting edge of modern surgical practice we strive to always practice evidenced-based medicine. Each patient’s journey is unique and should be considered sacred — compassion, kindness and respect form the foundation of each interaction.
As a practice that follows the principles of integrative and functional medicine, we always remain curious about and patient with the deeper underlying causes of disease and pathology. We aim to facilitate true healing by encouraging and offering various other healing modalities as a multi-disciplinary team to complement the surgical treatment required and aid in recovery. In our practice it is not a case of allopathic OR alternative health but rather allopathic AND alternative health — the very definition of an integrated approach to encourage the best results.
We believe that each one of us has the capacity to make a difference and to make our journey count — even in, and perhaps even more so, in challenging times. By choosing this surgical practice you too can make a difference. Please enquire if you want to find out more about Dr Roodt’s Project Flamingo — a non-profit company that works towards ensuring timely and holistic cancer treatment for patients in the public health care sector.